Gaultheria procumbens

Gaultheria procumbens Big Berry®

Pot size: 9 – 17
Available: week 36 – 52

The Gaultheria Big Berry or Mountain Tea has a beautiful leaf and elegant berries. This plant is an asset to your garden, terrace or balcony all year round, but you will mainly find it in garden centers and florists in the fall. Because of its striking large, red berries, it is not only a beautiful ground cover, but also very suitable for the winter decoration of the terrace and balcony. In the spring new, fresh green leaves appear and in the summer the white or light pink flowers show themselves. In the fall, the leaves turn from deep red to purple. The color of the berries, which last all winter and enhance the Christmas feeling, comes out extra well. In short: you can enjoy the Gaultheria Big Berry all year round.


Care tips

Mountain tea is an easy and hardy garden plant. The best planting place is in the sun or partial shade. When planting, use potting soil with nutrients so that the roots can develop well. Keep in mind that this plant has very superficial roots. Therefore, never use a hoe or shovel when you are working close to the plants. And in autumn, prevent the Gaultheria from being covered with leaves. The plant must always have sufficient light and air. Mountain tea can also be used very well in trays and pots on the terrace or balcony. Make sure that there is a hole in the bottom of the pot so that excess (pouring) water can drain away. No hole in the pot? No problem! Then first use a layer of hydro granules and above that fresh potting soil.


The “Gaultheria Big Berry” is a very versatile plant. In America, the berries are even used as a delicacy in cake. And the Dutch name is not for nothing Mountain tea. Tea is often extracted from the leaves in the countries of origin. Rub the leaves together once in your hands, releasing a wonderful scent. Essential oil is also extracted from the green leaf. This has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The oil smells lightly to mint and is used, among other things, as a massage oil that would work against back pain and rheumatism.

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